Saturday, 18 August 2018

Welcome !

Last update : December 1st, 2022

My name is Carole TERPEREAU.

I teach Maths in a Secondary School, in the South East of France.

I'm involved in the eTwinning program since 2010, and I'm an eTwinning Ambassador since 2013.

I love imagining some pedagogical projects linking Maths to other subjects, creating some cooperations with other schools all over Europe.

You will find here all the Math eTwinning projects I created since 2010, but also some projects I participated in as an Ambassador, in order to support some colleagues who were beginning as eTwinners.

I hope you'll draw inspiration of these ideas, they are not some models, just some experiences I'm very happy to talk about.

I sincerely thank all my dear colleagues who shared all these adventures with me.

For further informations:

- Mail :

- Twitter : @EtwTerp  

- Instagram : @maths_artist


  1. Bonjour, Carole.
    Je suis fière d'avoir partagé eTwinning avec vous. Félicitations pour ce blog et le succès de vos projets. À bientôt.

    1. Merci beaucoup Margarita ! C'était un plaisir partagé ! A bientôt !
